Online exhibitions:
to be or not to be?
April 13, 2020

April 13, 2020
Online or offline? Exhibitions after quarantine: to be or not to be? There is an opinion that due to the tendency for many industries to go online, after quarantine,
…exhibitions in its usual sense will disappear and transform in online mode.
Thus, some exhibitions have already tried a new format today, but it’s hard to say how successful it was, considering global decline in sales.
Exhibitions have always existed as an opportunity to find and try exactly what suits you or your business.
In addition, for new business it is easier to gather a target audience at the exhibition stand, rather than trying to promote it in other ways.
A trade fair, or exhibition, has always been a very expected event, something like a holiday. And doesn’t matter if it’s private or professional.
Run for the candy to the grocery trade fair, where the seller give you to try something you are going to buy; to buy scissors for your own hair salon, having preliminarily looked the master class on which it was used; send engineers to the exhibition for a new line for your factory, where experts will immediately tell you how to install and use it; to sit behind the wheel of a new Ferrari and smell the creaking leather when it is just a concept of a car yet and there is no mass production … – it is impossible to get these emotions online.
All 5 senses influence our decision-making, and a person will always strive to get maximum emotions from a product before purchase or conclusion of a contract. There is too much online around us in everyday life, so that we don’t want to refuse the opportunity to meet and speak face to face.
Of course, the world will not immediately recover and renew the habit of firm handshake and warm embrace, but we look forward to the end of today’s situation, to plunge into the whirlpool of standbuiling and new projects again.
What do you think, is there a chance for online exhibitions?
Which form will exist: online / offline / both?